شكر وتقدير من رئيس أكاديمية ايفانوفو للنسيج بروسيا


Dear Dr. Elnashar,
        On my behalf  and on behalf of Rector of our academy I would like once more
to express the words of gratitude for your  strenuous efforts  in organizing
SmarTex-2011 conference. Thanks to your active work you managed to bring together
so many  prominent figures who made a significant contribution to the development
of textile science and education.
        I also would like to express the words of gratitude for the warm reception,
and the arrangements to make my and Prof. Kuzmichev's stay in Egypt safe and comfortable.
        I hope that our cooperation will be continued bringing new positive results.

P.S. We are expecting to receive from you the official photos from the
conference. We are planning to display them on our web-site.
Preliminary information about the conference you will find at:
www.igta.ru/html/raznoe/novosti/2011/11.2011/smartex.html. The letter where links
to Internet resources were mentioned (in conformity with your request) was sent to your
e-mail address on 30 November 2011.

Sincerely yours,
Head of the International Cooperation Office
Ivanovo State Textile Academy