Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development


Speech of

Prof. Dr. Naglaa Ibrahim Mohamed

Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development

  It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Faculty of Physical Education Kafrelsheikh  University. I also have the pleasure to congratulate you for joining a specialized sports college that represents a beacon for sport and science, and you are on the threshold of the university education stage with all its hopes, aspirations and challenges, and we are fully confident that you, present and future Egypt, are able to achieve its hopes. So they arm themselves with faith in God, enjoy lofty values ??and principles, benefit from the fields of knowledge and knowledge, adhere to university values ??and traditions, and participate in student activities to achieve what they aspire to.

My dear students ............

You will find in your college these excellent members of the faculty. You will be young people who have knowledge and original university traditions to create a conscious generation that stands at the gates of the modern scientific renaissance and keeps pace with the amazing scientific development that the world is going through.

I wish you good luck, repayment, distinction and ingenuity, so that you will be sincerely loyal to our beloved Egypt.

And what compromise but God

Peace, mercy and blessings of God

 Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development

Prof. Dr. Naglaa Ibrahim Mohamed


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