Opening a Scientific Channel between The Faculty of Physical Education-kafr Elsheikh University and Texas University –United States


The council of the faculty of physical education in session no.( 102 ) held on 9/3/2015 approved the report presented by the vice dean for post-graduate studies and research affairs to open a scientific channel between The Faculty of Physical Education - kafr ElSheikh University and Texas University –United States  for student / Mohammad Fikiri Atalla Almoghni – Assistant  Lecturer in Athletic Training Department and member of the mutual supervision mission for  the seventh five-year plan 2012/2017 in its 2nd year 2013/2014 according to the approval of the President of the University on 5/3/2015 and post-graduate committee on 9/3/2015 for implementation of the outer part of the mission as to begin study from the 1st of may  .