Registration of Master for student / Ahmed Baqer Abbas Baqer

The council of Faculty of Physical Education in session (112 ) dated on 13/10/2015 approved the report submitted by the  Vice Dean for postgraduate studies  and researches affairs on registration of Master's degree for student / Ahmed Baqer Abbas Baqer.

The student's thesis is entitled " The impact of resistors' style on some of the Kinematics variables and the digital level for the long jump players" Upon the approval of the Athletic training department's council and postgraduate studies' committee on 11/10/2015 , the Council proposed the formation of the Supervisory Committee as follows:

Supervisor and Chairman

Professor of  water sports and head of the athletic  training Department- Faculty of Physical Education - Kafr Elsheikh University

Prof. / Ashraf Ibrahim Abd el Qader


Lecturer at  the athletic motion science department  - Faculty of Physical Education – Kafr Elsheikh University

Prof. / wahid  sobhy abd al ghaffar