Registration of Master for student / Ahmed Mahmoud Mustafa al mansoub

The council of Physical Education Faculty in session ( 105 ) dated on 12/5/2015 and extended until 24/05/2015 approved the report proposed by the Vice Dean for postgraduate studies  and researches affairs on registration of Master for student / Ahmed Mahmoud Mustafa al mansoub - entitled " Imprint Emotional Intelligence for football players and its relationship to the level of competition", Upon approval of postgraduate studies' committee on 11/05/2015 , the Council proposed the formation of the Supervisory Committee as follows:

Supervisor and Chairman

Professor and Head of Sports Psychology  Department - Faculty of Physical Education - Kafr Elsheikh University

Prof. / Mohammed Abd Al Salam abo rayya


Professor of athletic Training Department and Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education - Kafr Elsheikh University

Prof. / Ashraf Ahmed Abd Al Aziz