Registration Requirements


Rules for continuation in the program

For nursing technical Health Institute Graduates (High School Diploma followed by 2-year-system education) & for Secondary Technical Nursing School Graduates (five years Nursing Education following 9-basic years in education) are admitted to Faculty of Nursing undergraduate program in accordance with the Faculty Academic policy & its regulation and according to the students number,  rules, polices,&regulations determined by Supreme Council of the universities.

-          Bachelor’s Graduates (Scientific section) may be exempted from attending certain courses that covered in their colleges and equivalent to subjects/' courses (not more than 50%of subjects).

2.  Course Exemption:

3.      - Course exemption is given when any course taken outside the faculty and is substituted for an equivalent to  a faculty  course according to established policies. 

4.      - Credit hours and grades of exempted courses will not be included in GPA  calculations

5.    - Overall exempted credit courses must not exceed 50% of the total credits required for  graduation


Academic Warnings & Termination from the faculty

A student may be dismissed from college in one of the following courses:

a). if he/she receive at most 3 consecutive academic  warnings due to a drop in the cumulative GPA below the minimum of 1.6 out of 4 ) unless that drop was due to a reason accepted by the college council and provided that student will not be about to exhaust his/her chance i.e. subject to using  up double the original period specified for completion of graduation requirements

b). if the student does not complete graduation  requirements during  a period which is a minimum of  1/2 the period  specified  for graduation  on top of program period, then the college council may give  an exception  to a student  to complete graduation requirements.



Semester Drop:

·                     Is the process by which students can drop all courses already registered for the current academic semester for a valid reason that is acceptable to College council

·                     In case of  the student is not physically capable to complete the request for semester drop on time(e.g. hospitalized), the request and other required approvals must be sent by fax. This is a temporary measure until the student is capable of completing all procedures in person

·                     Semester drop is valid only for one semester & student must register and resume his/her studies the following semester excluding  summer semester.

·                     Semester drop is calculated within the program duration

·                     When the semester drop is processed , all registered courses will be automatically given  the grade "withdrawn", code "W" which will appear on the student's transcript for each registered course with the statement "semester dropped & the date.


Post-ponement of registration

·                     Any student, who need to postpone his/her registration for a specific semester, must submit  a request for post ponement along with a valid reason that is acceptable to the college  council

·                     The request must be submitted  no later than the end of last day of the "course registration " period of the specific semester.

·                     For any student ,postponement of registration can be done for  two consecutive semesters or three  alternate semesters throughout their study period excluding summer semesters.

·                     Any semester that has been dropped by the student i.e. after registering courses  will be counted with the allowed number of semesters of which the student can postpone her registration.

·                     In case the student is not physically capable  to complete the request before the e--nd of course registration period (hospitalized, out of country……) the request for postponement registration  and other required approvals must be sent by fax. This is a temporary measure until the student is capable of completing all procedures in person

·                     Postponement of registration  is not calculated within the program duration 

·                     The statement " registration postponement"  and the date will appear on the student's transcript in the space assigned for specific semester.


Discontinuation of study

  • Discontinuation of study occurs when a student does not register courses for a given semester during registration period (excluding summer semester) without undertaking any official procedure such as postponement of  registration or withdrawal from the Faculty of Nursing.


  • Any student who discontinues his /her study for a given semester, student record will automatically  closed by the end of the course registration period.


  • If student  wants to resume study at faculty of nursing , should submit a request to the Faculty council  for the approval  of reactivating his record
  • The statement " student record closed"  and the date will a  on the student's transcript in the space assigned for specific semester