University Council


Kafrelsheikh University council was held on Monday 30/11/2015 under the authority of the president Prof Dr Maged el Kemary

The council decides to agree the promotion of the following names to the degree of professor:

1)      Dr el Ghathafi Abdu Ali Taha, the Faculty of Agriculture, Pesticides Department

2)      Dr Alaa el Deen el Saeed Nagar, Educational Psychology Department in the Faculty of Education

3)      Dr Zain Shabaan Ibrahim el Azizi, Physiology Department in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

4)      Dr Ashraf Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed, Bacteria, Fungi and Immunology Department

5)      Dr Malik Mohamed el Saied Khalaf Allah, Aquaculture Department in the Faculty of Fisheries

The council agrees to transfer Dr Eman Abed el Aziz, lecturer in Nursing Department, Zagazig University to the same job in Surgical Internal Department, the Faculty of Nursing and Dr Ahmed Abed el Fatah Tail, assistant professor of Food Biotechnology Department in Industrial Biotechnology Department in Genetics Engineering and Biotechnology Research Institute to the same job in Fish Processing and Biotechnology Department in the Faculty of Fisheries at Kafrelsheikh University.

The council decides to sign mutual cooperation agreements between the university and Delta University for Science and Technology and between the university and the Centre for and heart diseases and surgeries in Mahala