Announcement for Post-Graduation Studies Students


On the basis of the decree of the president No (1305) on December 13, 2017 about the article of forming Judgment and Discussion committee for post-graduation students and the publication should be in specialized and arbitrated scientific magazines issued by scientific body regularly and indexed as well as have impact factor in database of ISI web of knowledge and according to the approval of the president on February 15, 2017 for the accreditation of database Scientific Journal Ranks SJR, they decide for the practical and health faculties that the publication should be in one of magazines which have impact factor in database ISI Web of Knowledge or database Scientific Journal Ranks SJR and for theoretical faculties that the magazines should have impact factor in one two databases or in one of scientific magazines issued by Egyptian Universities or the student should provide what indicate the acceptance or publication of the research in an international magazine with impact factor or one of magazines approved by the scientific committees of promotions.

The state should be get from Digital Library Unit in its headquarters in the Central Library at the Faculty of Commerce.