Nutrition plan for the month of Ramadan for the students of University City Kafr El-Sheikh

He agreed Mr. D / Maged Abdel Tawab elkamary - Rector on the proposal submitted by the General Administration for university cities on nutrition plan urban university for the month of Ramadan as follows: -

First: - for the students.

- University City students on campus university are Exchange breakfast restaurant university cities before the ears of Morocco and continue exchange until after the ears Morocco period while allowing the mobilization of the meal in pots refrigerator or containers dedicated to it attended by the student and secure with not allowing fills the meal into bags and are Suhoor meal Exchange within the city at night.

- University City extension students next to the College of Education are breakfast and Suhoor inside the University City exchange while allowing mobilization Efficiency Mandate same conditions.

Second: - Balench students.
- Whether or Sakha University City University City medical sector are breakfast and Suhoor inside the University City exchange while allowing mobilization Efficiency Mandate same conditions with the students.