The Integration of Schedules inside Faculties to alleviate the suffering of students in Transportation and Cancel the Fees of Postponement of Exams for Patients Students


The president Prof DrMaged el Kemary assures during a meeting in education council the need for the completion of results of the first term exams in all faculties during the first week of the first term vacation and the need for integration of schedules inside the departments of the faculties to reduce of the days of study during the week alternating with different programs to alleviate the suffering of students who travel on roads of Fuah, Desouk and Motobas from crisis of transportation and traffic congestion as well as reduce the burden on student housing.

As well, the president Prof DrMaged el Kemary decides to cancel the fees of postponement of exams for students who apologize for the entry of exams for sick excuse based on the decision of competent medical committee in student hospital.