The President Follows up the Installation of Automated Calling at University Hospital


The president Prof Dr Maged el Kemary surveys today Wednesday 21/12/2016 the university hospital to follow up the works of installation of automated calling in the university for the proper functioning, its organizing and facilitating the tasks of inquiry and the work inside the hospital.

It is worth mentioning that the automated calling works to facilitate the access to patient data and following up them during their existence in the hospital, organize the providing of service for the patient in an optimal manner and as soon as possible as well as organize the remedial programs for each case and facilitate the work of the doctor through the medical registration of the patient case (the complaint and symptoms, testing and analysis, operations, diagnoses, the doctors’ orders and following up its implementation, following up the progress of the patient’s case, medicine and medical recommendations) making it easier to follow up the evolution of the patient’s health status and guarantees the accuracy and speed of performance.