Deans council discuss on Monday 13/7/2015 under the
authority of the President Prof Dr Maged el Kemary the following:
1) The possibility of participation the
university in initiative (summer of our sons) in cooperation with the Ministry
of Culture by the launch of the millionth reader project which aims to present
small library as a gift for every Egyptian family from the works of staff
members in the university.
2) The general trend in the state to
rationalize expenditure not to prevent activities and events to achieve the
target of the shortest path and maintain educational and research requirements
in line with the requirements of the current phase and the optimal use of the
existing possibilities and depend on own resources instead of entirely dependence
on state budget.
3) The conversion of foreign languages and
translation center in the Faculty of Arts to special unit in the university
4) The establishment of Teaching Arabic to
non-native speakers Center as special unit in the university
5) The establishment of Entrepreneurship and
Consultation Center as special unit in the university
6) The establishment of discrimination
programs in the faculties to increase the own resources in the university
7) The establishment of bilateral Master’s
Degree in some rare specialists in cooperation with foreign
university with scientific transport and scientific academy goodwill to grant
dual certification.