The President witnesses the Closing Ceremony of Student Activities for Student Housing

 Dr. Abdel-Razek Desouki, President of the University, witnesses the closing ceremony of student activities in the university student housing, in the presence of Dr. Mohammed Abd El-Aal, Vice President for Education and Students’ Affairs; Dr. Ismail Al-Qon, Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research; Dr. Ali Sabri, Secretary General of the University; Dr. Rushdy Al-Adawy, Vice-Dean of the College of Agriculture for postgraduate studies and research and general coordinator of student activities at the university; Dr. Najwa Al-Khatib, the supervisor of the female university student housing; Dr. Mushira Al-Abbasi, the supervisor of nutrition, and Dr. Tariq Al-Mulla, general manager of university student housing, and the directors of the male and female university student housing and restaurants.

During the ceremony, the university president honored the winning students in various sports activities and competitions. The university president also held an open meeting with students of university dormitories.

During the ceremony, the president honors the winning students in various sports activities and competitions and also holds an open meeting with students of university student housing.

After the end of the ceremony, Dr. Abdelrazek Desouky, President of the University, participates in the group Iftar ceremony with students of student housing, with the aim of extending the bonds of friendship and familiarity between students and university leaders, and creating a spirit of joy, pleasure and love among them in the holy month of Ramadan, praising the efforts of the employees, and asking them to raise the level of service to achieves the satisfaction of students residing in the student housing.

Dr. Abdelrazek Desouky confirms that the university administration is always keen to take care of its students, especially the expatriates among them. Therefore, Kafrelsheikh University seeks to provide an educational and living environment at the highest level of quality, explaining that student housing is not only for housing, but rather a place for sports activities, student and entertainment meetings, and others.


For his part, Dr. Mohammed Abdel-Aal indicates that the university administration pays great attention to expatriate students of student housing, especially with their presence in the holy month of Ramadan coinciding with the continuation of studies in the second semester, as all aspects of care and support are provided to students throughout their stay in the student housing and an appropriate living atmosphere is created for studying during the holy month