Today Sunday 8/10/2017 the president Prof Dr Maged el Kemary meets
junior students at the Faculties of Dentistry and Medicine and congratulating
them on their admission to Kafrelsheikh University that emphasizes their
He stresses that their belonging to the family of this university
participate in achieving university vision to prepare leaders qualified with
knowledge and skills with national identity and global standards. He mentions
that the educational process in Egypt represents an integration between
teaching and training in newly equipped laboratories, followed by training in
educational factories inside the university and work sites for institutions
that cooperate with the university to ensure that the graduate is ready to work
immediately after having a job after graduation. As well, he points out that the aim of this meeting is
to introduce the university life, regulations and systems in each faculty,
provide them with important guidance information through which they can
identify services provided by the university, their rights and duties in
addition to what the ceremony have of various activities and events.
He also
gives them some important advices such as respect for system, regulations and
university values and not to pay attention to rumors and points out that the
university management supports the solution of problems through dialogue and in
a calm and cooperative manner, free of fanaticism and violence.
president reassures the students saying: “you are not alone, we are with you.
We have student hospital equipped to receive students, social solidarity fund
that presents assistance to the needy in addition to university book support
fund and insurance quality fund to pay compensation in case of accidents. He
invites them to participate in many sportive, art, cultural, scientific and
social student activities organized by youth welfare departments at the
university faculties aims to benefit from student energies and build the
moderate personality that gather among science, arts, sport and culture in
addition to read the academic guidance guide. In conclusion, el Kemary says to
students: “your university is your own, so preserve and defend it as you are an
ambassador for it and link to it wherever you are. Try to acquire academic and
professional skills that compatible with labor market. He congratulates and
welcomes junior students once more wishing them a successful university life.