Collaborative Agreement between Kafrelsheikh University & (E-JUST) Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology

Today Wednesday 19/7/2017 H.E. Prof Dr Maged El Kemary President of Kafrelsheikh University in his office, welcomed a team from Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology  (E-JUST)  -Borg AlArab Alexandria -Egypt  the team headed by H.E. Prof. Dr. Ahmed  Al Gohary president of  E-JUST accompanying Prof.  Suzoki , vice president of International Relations , Prof. Joto vice president of Scientific Research , Prof. Matsoshita Consultant of  Japan International Corporation Agency (JICA) , Dr. Mona AlGaml “Acting” vice president of Eduation Affairs , the team also included the Dean Faculty of Engineering & Dean of Faculty of Basics & Applied Sciences , and Dr. Amr El Tawel (University Representative).


 A collaborative agreement has been signed between the two said universities aiming at cooperation between the two universities in the areas of  sciences , scientific research , & technology , in addition exchanging of expertise and get benefits from available scientific and educational facilities on both parties,  and developing collaborative applied scientific researches in the field of Nanotechnology & engineering ,in addition to  other specialties &in different fields to be utilized for the sake of the community and solving its problems.