The events of the tenth scientific conference
"University Education, Psychological and Social Security" were held
on Tuesday 9/12/2014.
The president Prof Dr Maged el Kemary has asked all
attendances to consider this conference an opportunity to evaluate ourselves
before others evaluate us and inspire the change from conference title and pay
attention to the relation of education with economic security as most
distinguishing feature of this era, is turning the economy from an economy
based on traditional natural resources, to a knowledge based on economy, and as
a result was named this era «knowledge economy». Perhaps, the field of
education is one of the most affected areas of knowledge economy era as
education with its institutions aim to receive knowledge, analysis and link
between it and its different applications.
As well, he Pays attention to the outputs of education
and teacher as a fundamental pillar for development and reforming of
educational system for his role in forming and shaping the minds of youth. He
announces that it is unreasonable that teacher practiced his profession in the
same way after two revolutions and educational reform and development should
focus on the role of teacher in education within the rapid change in
information and communication technology and globalization of human activity as
every era has its characteristics.
Hence, the educational systems should reconsider its
educational policy to keep up with changes and paying attention for teacher to
improve skills of thinking for students and critical thinking instead of
conservation and indoctrination as education of thinking is key pillar for
education reform as the progress of home depends on the progress of citizen and
citizen's progress is not determined by the extent of what one gain of
knowledge, but by his/her continuation in education and his/her ability for
thinking to make appropriate thinking to cope with global scientific and
economic developments. He asks the attendance that one of the recommendations
of conference will be an initiative entitled "The students think... The
nation forward".