Due to the activation of university role under the
authority of the President Prof Dr Maged el Kemary in activating the goals of
students union and expanding the circle of knowledge as well as activating
protocol between university and the Directorate of Education in Kafrelsheikh to
support talented school students in the field of scientific research, the
university receives on Wednesday 3/12/2014 the members of council of students
union of the Directorate of Education.
They visit the halls and grounds of the Faculty of
Sportive Education and the laboratories of the Faculty of Science.
As well, they visit the laboratories of the Faculty of
Engineering as well as the Faculty of Medicine within the medical sector
faculties established recently (the Faculties of Pharmacy, Dentistry, Physical
Therapy and Nursing) as well as university hospital equipped for the
achievements of university mission for the promotion of remedy and health care
inside Kafrelsheikh University
The vice president for education and students' affairs
Prof Dr Mohamed el Saeed Abu Walli receives the delegation and opens discussion
about students' activites and participation in science clubs.