On its regular monthly meeting, Kafrelsheikh University Council “on 26/02/ 2018 “ has approved on establishment of couples of new faculties; and on memorandums of understanding & Collaborative Agreements with some International Universities. On that meeting , the university’ president admitted the approval of the council of establishment of Faculty of Applied Medical Science , these to achieve the community needs of such specific and important faculties to fill out the needs of hospitals affiliated to universities & Ministry of Health; at Kafrelsheikh Governorate; and neighbor Governorates who are suffering from deficiency of qualified graduates with Applied Medical Professionals specialties , and who are scientifically and academically qualified for provision of health services with high quality whereas, this faculty will include six different Scientific Departments.
On the same line, ElKemary, added the Faculty of Low will be established also , as it comes in the need of the country organizations and its sectors for a qualified professionals and who are specialized in development & revision of Regulations & Articles of related administration; Justice & investigations … of different governmental organization; as well as in the business sectors.
On the other hand , the president clarified that among the approved council topics & decisions, there are a couples of approved memorandums of understanding between Kafrelsheikh University & some International Universities i.e. between Kafrelsheikh university & the following : Faculty of Arts ; Science & Technology at Lebanon; Institute of Materials at Barcelona, Spain; Alkitab University College Iraq , in addition to memorandum of understanding between Arabic Center for Non-native speaker at kafrelsheikh University & the Islamic Call Society of Singapore ; these in addition to collaborative agreements with both Egyptian Network for Cancer Researches, and University of the Mediterranean