The Decisions of Faculty Council


The faculty council agreed the following:

1)    The formation of judgment and discussion committee for the master’s degree thesis presented from the student Islam Ali Ahmed el Nagar, the chancellor in the English department. The name of thesis is:

"The Alienated Self in Selected Plays by Marsha Norman: Deciphering the Code"

To be as the following:

1)    Prof Dr Fawzya Shafiq el Sadr, the professor of English Literature in the faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University (supervisor and head).

2)    Prof Dr Gada Mahmoud Abed el Hafeez, the professor of English Literature in the faculty of Arts, el Minia Univeristy (member).

3)    Prof Dr Fourdos Abed el Hamid el Bahnasawi, the professor of English Literature in the faculty of Arts, Assuit University (member).


2)    The registration of the student Hesham Ali Abu el Nagah, the lecturer in the history department for the master’s degree. The name of thesis;

"Political Relations between Byzantium and Western Europe (963-1056A.D)”

The supervision committee will be as the following:

1)    Dr Yasser Mustafa Abed el Wahab, the professor of the middle history (main supervisor).

2)    Prof Dr Hussein Mohamed Attia, the professor of middle ages history in the faculty of Arts, Tanta University (subordinate supervisor).


3)    The registration of the student Sahar Abed el Fatah Ibrahim for the master’s degree. The name of thesis:


"The Egyptian – Iraqi Relations (1963-1995A.D "

The supervision will be as the following:

1)    Dr Suliman Mohamed Hussein, the assistant professor of modern and contemporary history in the faculty of Arts(main supervision)

2)    Dr Ashraf Mohamed Abed el Rahman, the assistant professor of modern and contemporary history in the faculty of Education (subordinate supervision).

3)    Dr Khalil Abed el Monaiem Farag, the lecturer of the modern ad contemporary history (subordinate supervision).