Decisions to extend the registration period


Recommended that the College Board approved in its meeting held on July 12, 2011 the letter received from Mr. Prof. Dr. / Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, which includes the approval of the Committee of Graduate Studies and Research at its meeting held on Wednesday, 07/06/2011 on a message from Prof.Dr / Abdul  Allah Allam  Abdu Allam  of the registration period for the student / Mohamed Mohamed Abdel-Hamid Komi registered for a master's degree in the subject entitled: "Lake Edco geomorphological study" for a year as of the first  since 14/5/2011 under the supervision of:


- Prof. Dr. / Fathi Abdel Aziz Abu Radi,-  Professor of Physical Geography and former Dean of the Faculty of Arts - Alexandria University -
-Prof. Dr. / Abdullah  Allam AbduProfessor of Physical Geography and Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development.
-Prof. Dr. / Mohamed Zaki  Sodemy-  Professor of Economic Geography, Faculty of Arts - University of Tanta


Recommended that the College Board approved in its meeting held on July 12, 2011 the letter received from Mr. Prof. Dr. / Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, which includes the approval of the Committee of Graduate Studies and Research at its meeting held on Wednesday, 07/06/2011 on a message from Prof.Dr / Abdul  Allah Allam  Abdu Allam  of the registration period for the student /Asmaa  Esawey  Mohamad  Naga registered for a master's degree in the subject entitled: "Notification of geomorphological in the range of the north-east of the Nile Delta" between latitudes 154 830 N and 125 329 N and between longitudes 103 931 east to 131 532 "east - using remote sensing techniques and geographic information systems - for a year as of the first  since 16/10/2010. under the supervision of:

- Prof. Dr. / Abdullah  Allam AbduProfessor of Physical Geography and Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development

Recommended that the College Board approved in its meeting held on July 12, 2011 the letter received from Mr. Prof. Dr. / Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, which includes the approval of the Committee of Graduate Studies and Research at its meeting held on Wednesday, 07/06/2011 on a message from Prof.Dr / Abdul  Allah Allam  Abdu Allam  of the registration period for the student /Gehan Ibrahim Shamly registered for a master's degree in the subject entitled: "Urban Geography at the center of Motobas" for a year as of the first  since 14/5/2011. under the supervision of:

-Prof. Dr. /  Fathi Mohamed Abu Ayana - Professor of Human Geography - Faculty of Arts - Alexandria University
-Prof. Dr. / Mohamed Ahmed Marei -  Professor of Economic Geography - College
-Prof. Dr. / Ahmed Mohammed Abu Zeid - Professor of Human Geography  College 


Recommended that the College Board approved in its meeting held on July 12, 2011 the letter received from Mr. Prof. Dr. / Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, which includes the approval of Prof.Dr/  Neveen Yahya Abdul Salam - Head of the French language - to extend the registration period for the student / Malaka Mohammed Desouki - registered for the Masters  of division that she passed over a period of four years and explained Ms. Dr. /Head of Department that student in need of another year, because of the scarcity of references for her subject matter note that it is serious in the study and completed the largest part of the thesis.