Students' union



It is the regulation through which students exercise various forms of activities; it is formed from enrolled students, who have paid the union fees.



·         Developing national consciousness, spiritual and moral values among students and training them on leadership styles plus giving them the opportunity to express their views.

·         Spreading the spirit of university among students and closing ties between them and other members of faculty's staff.

·         Discovering the talents, skills and abilities of students and encouraging them.

·         Publishing and promoting the formation of families and cooperatives plus supporting students' activities.

·         Publishing and organizing sports and social, scouting, technical and cultural activities to upgrade their levels and encourage the outstanding students.

·         Organizing students' potentials to serve the community and develop a spirit of participation.


Student's' union board works on achieving the objectives through the following committees

1-    Art activity committee

The commission is concerned with the development of students' artistic activity to provide students with an opportunity to highlight their talents and raise the level of their artistic production


2-    Social activity and trips committee

·         Works on developing social ties between students and each other, and between students and faculty members.

·         Choosing the ideal student.

·         Organizing blood donation campaigns within the faculty.

·         Organizing recreational and scientific trips plus social camps.


3- Cultural committee

There is no doubt that culture has an important role in human life; it renews his ability, his ideas, develops his energy, and diversifies his thoughts. Faculty's cultural committee directs students through the establishment of the official celebrations, festivals plus cultural, literary and religious meetings, establishing cultural competitions in all the fields whether it was cultural, religious, social, or scientific, as well as organizing cultural and scientific trips to all parts of the republic, and also participating in the competitions organized by the supreme council for Islamic affairs and university's public administration of youth welfare.

4-    Families committee


It is a group of students huddled around a leader who acts as the head of this family, to practice cultural, social, artistic and sport activity

Stages of forming a family:

1-    Family's leader presents a request declaring the name of the family in it to the students' union, family's committee.

2-    A statement of the family's formation.

3-    Objectives of the family.

4-    Family's activity plan throughout the academic year.

5-    Names of the participating students (at least 50 students)

6-    The file is signed (from family's leader- leader of families committee), and handled to faculty's youth welfare department.

7-    The family shall not start practicing its activity unless after the approval of prof. dr. / dean of the faculty and then prof. dr. / vice president of the university.


5-    Sport activity committee


The faculty's sport activity sub-department (in coordination with the general administration of youth welfare, sport activity sub-department) executes a league of team sport for students in the following games (football- basketball-hand ball – volley ball- table tennis) and individual games competitions in (Athletic games – weight lifting – bodybuilding – wrestling – judo – boxing – karate – swimming – tennis – squash – fitness – arm-wrestling – speedball – arms – gymnastics)
various university's competitions are established from November until January of each year, and the new students have the right to participate in various sport activities after passing the tests of each activity


6-    Scouts, public service and camps committee


·         Practicing scouts activity

·         Implementing environmental service programs within the faculty or participating in public service programs organized by university's public administration of youth welfare

Each committee is formed yearly under the leadership of one of the teaching staff professors and the membership of two students of each academic stage elected yearly by the students of their stage, and a representative of the technical sector of faculty's youth welfare

Each committee elects a secretary among its students' members


The council of faculty's students union is formed by the leadership of prof. dr. / dean of the faculty and the membership of the following:

-       Leaders of the union committees

-       Director of the technical sector of faculty's youth welfare department

-       Secretaries of students' union committees (secretaries are elected from students' members of the committee)


Membership conditions

a-    To be Egyptian.

b-     To have good manners.

c-     To be a fresh student in his stage.

d-    To have paid the union fees.

e-    To be marked with activity in the committee's field of work.

f-     should not be convicted with a restricted punishment or his membership was suspended.