Department of Libraries and Information

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The Library and Information Department aspires for leadership, excellence and innovation in providing services needed by the local and regional community in the field of libraries and information.


The Library and Information Department seeks to provide distinguished education in the field of libraries and information, to prepare a graduate who is fluent in the latest methods and techniques required by the labor market at the local and regional levels, and to provide researchers at a high level who contribute to the service of society and the surrounding environment


Preparing library and information specialists with skills that enable them to manage and develop information institutions and improve their services.

Providing a distinguished level of high-quality study programs at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels with the aim of presenting a distinguished graduate.

Serving scientific research in the field of libraries and information and opening new horizons for the development and advancement of the profession.

 Utilizing information and communication technology to serve the educational and research process.

  Developing university students ’skills to use and benefit from libraries.

 Contributing to community service and environmental development through training, continuous education and awareness of the importance of the library and information field and its study