Vision & Mission & Objectives

 Horticulture department is one of the applied departments, which consists of three branches like pomology, Vegetable and Ornamental. It is also concerned with the application of modern systems in agriculture and biotechnology in the production, improvement and development of horticultural crops. The department is also interested in cooperating with private sector companies in training students, solving producers' problems and linking civil society to the university. The department is also characterized by the existence of an internationally accredited laboratory in the quality tests of horticultural crops, which in turn contains a number of modern and sophisticated scientific apparatus that serve the educational process, research and civil society.


Department vision:

Leadership and excellence in the fields of education and research locally, regionally and internationally with promoting the production and quality of horticultural crops in a way that contributes to the service of the environment and community development and maximizing the national product.

Department mission:

 Preparation and graduation of technical cadres trained and distinguished in the field of production and care of horticultural crops and able to meet the needs of society and competition in the labor market locally, regionally and internationally