kfslogo أ.د/شوقى عبد الهادى محمود عبد الجواد

السيرة الذاتية بالغة الانجليزية


Prof. Dr. Shawky Abdel-Hady Mahmoud

Prof. of physiology

Vice Dean for Community Service,

and Environmental Affairs




Date of birth

Marital Status

Tel. No.







Pervious Posts

Present Post


















2005- 2010


2010- Present



Previous experience
























·    Shawky Abdel-Hady Mahmoud

·    30/12/1962

·    Married + 3 children

·    Mobile: +2 0101077923 Home: +2 047 3256325 Fax: +2 047 3231311

·    Shawky117@yahoo.com

·    Shawky300@hotmail.com

·    smahmoud@daad-alumni.de

·    shawky.abdelgawad@vet.kfs.edu.eg


·    30/12/1962

·    Egyptian

·    Professor of Physiology and head of department, Faculty of Vet. Medicine, Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt from 27/9/2007 till 6/10/2010.

·    Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Affairs from 7/10/2010 for 3 years.


·    Bachelor of Vet. Medical Sciences (B.V.Sc), Alexandria Univ., Egypt

·    Master of Vet. Medical Sciences (M.V.Sc, Physiology) Benha branch, Zagazig   University, Egypt.  

·    Ph. D. of Vet. Sciences (Ph.D., Physiology) Benha branch, Zagazig    University, Egypt.



·    Demonstrator at the Dept. of Vet. Physiology, Benha branch , Zagazig    University  

·    Assistant Lecturer at the Dept. of Vet. Physiology, Benha branch , Zagazig    University  

·    Assistant Lecturer at the Dept. of Vet. Physiology, Tanta University

·      Lecturer at the Dept. of Vet. Physiology, Tanta University  

·    Assistant Professor at the Dept. of Vet. Physiology, Tanta University  

·    Professor at the Dept. of Vet. Physiology, Kafrelsheikh University

·    Vice Dean for Community Service, and Environmental Affairs


·    Supervision for PhD, MSc and Diplomat Grades and Thesis for more than fifteen  years 

·    Publication of about 27 Articles in local and international Journals

·    Yearly participation in the National Veterinary Campaigns in remote areas for students training and tackling of the current Vet. Affections.

·    Diagnosis and Management of all Clinical Veterinary Conditions in the field and in my own Private Clinic.

·    Consultant of many of the local Animal Farms (Cattle, Buffaloes, sheep and poultry).


·     Participation in Writing of Note books for undergraduate and

postgraduate students in Veterinary Physiology.


·    Lecturing for Under- and Post-graduates for more than 15 years

·    Member of my Department council.

·    Member of my faculty council.

·    Member of the Egyptian Veterinary Syndicate.

·    Member of the Egyptian Veterinary Medical Association.

·    Member of Society of Physiological Sciences and their Applications.

·    Invited to visit Institute of Biology of Farm Animals, Dummerstorf, Germany, 2000.

·    Passed the TOT  workshop January 2007

·    Passed the SUPPLEMENTARY PROGRAM of TOT at 31-8-2007.

·    Coaches  in FLDP of Kafrelshaikh University (Associate Trainer)

·    Passed the ACADEMIC ADVICE workshop 25-27May2010.

·    passed the SELF ASSESSMENT workshop 15-18August 2010

·    Invited to visit Gifu University as visitor prof. to check the progress of student in channel system program ,2010








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