kfslogo د/ابراهيم ماهر عبد الرحيم سلطان


I have been assisting in teaching the following undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Assiut University, Kafrelshiekh University and Malaya University.

1. Engineering drawing and descriptive projection.

2. Production technology

3. Production engineering

4. Stress analysis

5. Theory of machines ( I )

6. Machine drawing and construction

7. Machine design ( I )

8. Engineering analysis.

9. Computer science (Fortran language)

10. Theory of machines ( II )

11. Machine design ( II )

12. Mechanical vibration

13. Theory of metal cutting.

14. Design and production laboratories (CNC Lab and Form Tester Lab).

15. Machine tool design

16. CNC

17. Engineering Drawing using computer. (AutoCAD).

18. Machine drawing and construction using computer. (AutoCAD).

19. Operation Research.

20. Jigs and Fixtures

21. Basic Manufacturing Process (Malaya University).

22. Advanced Manufacturing Process (Malaya University).

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