International Collaboration


·         Braunschweig University, Germany (Prof. A. Waag, PD Dr. A. Bakin).

·         Otto von Guericke Universit?t, Magdeburg, Germany (Prof. J.Christen, Prof. A. Krost)

·         PTB Braunschweig, Germany, (Dr. T. Weimann, Dr. M.Albrecht, Prof.Dr. U. Siegner)

·         Aristoteles University Thessaloniki , Greece (Prof. J. Stoimenos)

·         Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble , France (Prof. Le Si Dang)

·         Center of Nanoheterostructure Physics Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of RAS, St.-Petersburg , Russia (Prof. S. Ivanov)  

·         Ulm university, Germany (PD Dr. K. Thonke)

·         University Bremen , Germany (Prof. J. Gutowski, PD Dr. T. Voss)

·         CNRS/CRHEA Valbonne , France (Dr. C. Morhain)

·         Bonn University (Prof. S. R. Waldvogel)

·          CIDETEC, Spain (Dr. R. Tena-Zaera)

·         Neuchâtel university, Switzerland ( Prof. Daniel Hofstetter).                     

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