النشر الدولي

 Differentiation of residual/recurrent gliomas from postradiation necrosis with arterial spin labeling and diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging-derived metrics

 Razek AA, El-Serougy L, Abdelsalam M, Gaballa G, Talaat M.. Neuroradiology. 2018 Feb 1;60(2):169-77.

· Differentiation of Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma From Glioblastoma: Quantitative Analysis Using Arterial Spin Labeling and Diffusion Tensor Imaging

Razek AA, El-Serougy L, Abdelsalam M, Gaballa G, Talaat M.World neurosurgery. 2018 Nov 29.

· Differentiating glioblastomas from solitary brain metastasis using arterial spin labeling and diffusion tensor imaging derived metrics.

Razek AA, Talaat M, El-Serougy L, Abdelsalam M, Gaballa G. World neurosurgery. 2019.

· Clinical application of arterial spin labeling MRI in brain tumors . Razek AA, Talaat M, El-Serougy L, Abdelsalam M, Gaballa G. Journal of computer assisted tomography. 2019. 43 (4), 525-532.

· Novel Percutenous Techniques In Management Of Post-Cholecystectomy Complications

MS M. Ghalab, A.A. Abd El Kerim, S.E. Hegab, O.S. El Aassar, M.H. Emara ...

25th United European Gastroentrology(UEG) Week 2017 October 28 to November 1 


· Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in Evaluating Therapeutic Efficacy after Radiofrequency Ablation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Promising Results

EE Rola Moussa,Mohamed Emara ElZanan,Mahmoud Ghalab,Mostafa Balbaa, Mona Talaat

25th United European Gastroentrology(UEG) Week 2017 October 28 to November 1 


· Image case: Hepatic Hydatid Cyst; an Incidental Finding in Patient with Blunt Abdominal Trauma.

Sameh Saber, Wael Mansy,Emad Emara

Afro-Egypt J Infect Endemic Diseases 5 (1), 52


· Image Case: Aortic Dissection: Uncommon Cause of Agonizing Abdominal Pain.

EEH Emara MH

Afro-Egypt J Infect Endem Dis 4 (2), 111

v       * Other pending projects still under research



