موضوعات المقرر

Diagnostic radiology department.

Curriculum for 
undergraduate students:

Neuro imaging

- Methods of imaging.

- Normal CT and MRI.

-  Cerebral hemorrhage.

-cerebral infarction.


- intracerebral space occupying lesion.

- Imaging of the spine.

Chest imaging

-         Methods of imaging.

-         Normal imaging.

-         Pneumonia.

-         Lung abscess.

-         Pulmonary TB.

-         Pneumothorax.

-         Pleural effusion.

-         Bronchiactasis.

-         Bronchogenic carcinoma.

-         Pulmonary metastasis.



Cardiovascular imaging

-         Methods of imaging.

-         Normal anatomy.

-          Cardiac chamber enlargement.

Gastrointestinal imaging

Methods of imaging
Normal imaging anatomy


-         Strictures

-         Filling defect.

-         Malignancy.

Stomach & duodenum:

-         Benign and malignant ulcer.

-         Filling defect.

-         Malignancy.


-         Intestinal obstruction.

-         Inflammatory bowel disease.

-         Diverticular disease.

-         Filling defect.

-         Malignancy.

Air under diaphragm.

Urinary tract:

-         Methods of imaging

-         Normal imaging anatomy.

-         Stones .

-         Hydronphrosis.

-         Tumors.

Musculoskeletal system.

-         Bone fracture.

-         Osteomyeltis.

-         Bone tumors.




