Vision & Mission & Objectives


Our Vision

Formation of a comprehensive and innovative society through continuous development and upgrading the quality of the educational and research process in the field of aquaculture, which enhances leadership and contribution to community service and environmental development.


Our Mission


Our mission is to build local, national and international capabilities to work to be a sustainable partner in the field of aquaculture, ensuring sufficient supply and high quality of fish production processes through integrated programs in research, education and participation. 


The Aquaculture department main targets include:

 Preparing of professional aquaculturists  who are nationally and internationally able to competition.

 Achieving of applied researches for developing of aquaculture and increasing aquaculture production.

 Offering the honest advices to the society for improving aquaculture in Egypt as well as the best investment to our Egyptian natural resources.

 Developing   fishing and fisheries in Egypt and especially in Kafrelsheikh governorate.

 Investigation of culturing new kinds of fish, aquatic invertebrates (Crustacea and bivalvia) In Egypt.

 Encouraging aquaculture investments especially the marine  aquaculture.

 Organizing Workshops and conferences to spot light on different fields of aquaculture and encouraging the investments in theses fields.

 Encouraging the scientific research in aquaculture different fields and specification in the aquaculture department.

 Specifications of a graduate from the Aquaculture Department which include:

1)    To be able to design, construct and manage farms and hatcheries.

2)    Be able to calculate and estimate the nutritional needs of farmed aquatic animals.

3)    He should be able to prepare the diets of cultured aquatic animals while appreciating the quality of the feed ingredients used in the fish diets.

4)    Be able to estimate water quality in a laboratory and field.

5)    Be able to transport and circulate live fish inside and outside his farm in ways that preserve their life and liveliness.

6)    Be able to evaluate the aquaculture technically and economically.

7)    Be able to handle and save the fish after harvest.

8)    Be able to establish health prevention programs to prevent the spread of diseases on farms and hatcheries.

9)    Be able to diagnose fish diseases and other cultured organisms.