Kafrelsheikh University is about to be a Smart University




 The Council of Kafrelsheikh University under the chairmanship of Prof.  Elkemary, President of the University, agreed on Monday 28/5/2018 to assign the Faculty of Computers and Information in cooperation with the Information and Technological Development Center of the University to start transforming the university into a smart university. This is to be done through a digital transformation system in administration, finance, organization, and communicating the various electronic university systems for decision  support and decisions taking, and overcoming the shortage of the administrative staff of the university and reducing  the direct deal between the service providers and the recipients ,in addition to facilitating  providing data and information that allow the preparation of the required performance reports, and monitoring the  implementation of the university strategic plan to raise the efficiency of the performance of the university’s  institutions. The system will allow the faculty members to prepare the academic files electronically and the possibility of analyzing the data contained in the file to save time and effort and benefit from the data in the selection of university leaders. Prof. Elkemary said that the aim of this approach is to develop the performance of the university to keep pace with the development plan in Egypt 2030, and the standards of establishing international universities.